miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013


"we urge you to join the resistance and help us combat the mediocre audio and visual programming that is being fed to the inhabitants of earth. this programming is stagnating the minds of the people; building a wall between races and preventing world peace. it is a wall we are going to smash. by using the untapped energy potential of sound we are going to destroy this wall much the same as certain frequencies shatter glass.This ain't the music of the future: it is the music of the present. isn't it obvious that music and dance are the keys to the universe? we urge all brothers and sisters of the underground to create and transmit their tones and frequencies no matter how so called primitive their equipment may be. Wreak havoc - free thy vision, free thy spirit, free thy realm "

Publicando en la segunda edición del fanzine Chalupa, dedicado a los medio alternativos de información.